Sunday, December 7, 2008
- Some random quotes...
- "Believing there is no God gives me more room for belief in family, people, love, truth, beauty, sex, Jell-O and all the other things I can prove and that make this life the best life I will ever have."
- ~Penn Jillette
~Ron Bennington
"You don't know what pressure is until you've played for five dollars a hole with only two in your pocket."
-Lee Trevino
"The fundamental problem with golf is that every so often, no matter how lacking you may be in the essential virtues required of a steady player, the odds are that one day you will hit the ball straight, hard, and out of sight. This is the essential frustration of this excruciating sport. For when you've done it once, you make the fundamental error of asking yourself why you can't do this all the time."
-Colin Bowles
Monday, December 1, 2008
Ryan's Winter Solo Shows

Jimmy and John will be hibernating for December, but I'll be heading out for a series of solo shows. I'll be playing a bunch of new songs from our upcoming record, The Oak and the Acorn. Most of these songs we've never played out before. I'll also be playing a very special holiday cover. Here're the details:
Wednesday, 3 December
Ryan solo
The Burlap and Bean
with Tommy Murray
204 South Newtown Street Rd
Newtown Square, PA 19073
7p; free; all ages
Saturday, 20 December
Ryan solo
Goodbye Blue Monday
1087 Broadway
Brooklyn, NY 11221
8p; pay what you wish; 21+
Friday, 26 December
Ryan solo
Overnight Sensations
88.7 WRSU
New Brunswick, NJ
Listen live:
Friday, 27 December
Ryan solo with Mike Hunchback and friends
The Parlor
Call or email for address
New Brunswick, NJ
6p; pay what you wish; all ages
Sunday, 28 December
Ryan solo
The Shepherd and The Knucklehead Pub
with Junkyard John and In Ribbons
529 Belmont Ave.
Haledon, NJ
9p; free; 21+
Friday, 2 January 2009
Ryan solo with Fillmore and friends
Fillmore house
Call or email for exact address
New Brunswick, NJ
6p; $3; all ages; coffee and snacks
Saturday, 3 January 2009
Ryan solo and friends
Octopus Studios
Call or email for exact address
New Brunswick, NJ
6p; pay what you wish; all ages
Sunday, November 30, 2008

Thanks very much to everyone who came out to The Breadbox last night. Playing was a ton of fun for me, and I got to meet a lot of new people last night. Thanks especially to John Terry for putting the show on, everybody who lives at the Breadbox for having us, and the other bands we got to play with.
Also thanks to Disarmor for letting me play through their stack. I'd never played through a stack before (except in Guitar Hero), and this one was taller than me.
I hope everyone had a happy Thanksgiving.
Monday, November 24, 2008
Friendly Bears

Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Thanks very much...
Unfortunately, I didn't get to see much of the performance going on on the front stage, since we were playing the back space. It seemed like a good time up front, though, too. If you were able to catch what they all got up to, please hit up the comments section and fill me in. Thanks!
Thursday, November 6, 2008
November Shows
Friday, 14 November
Ryan solo
The Little Big Show in the Small Wonder
1139 West 7th Street (at the corner of North Harrison Street)
Wilmington, DE 19805
6p; free; all ages
This is a monthly acoustic show I host. It's a super small room (about 20 people max), so show up on time to get good seats.
Saturday, 15 November
Goodbye Blue Monday
with Tape and Wire and more
1087 Broadway
Brooklyn, NY 11221
8p; free; 21+
I am super excited about this show. Tape and Wire is Jimmy's old band. They recorded a great album, played two shows, then broke up. This is a one-time get-back-together for them. Sure, it will bring back all those old feelings, and maybe they'll regret it in the morning, but for that one night, why not?
As if that wasn't enough, Goodbye Blue Monday now has two stages, and a bona-fide circus will be performing on one while we play on the other. I am totally not kidding about this. I don't even know exactly what they're going to be doing, but I'm totally psyched.
Saturday, 22 November
Insouciant, Lark Hill, The Sloppy Horse, Half Brother, and Glad Hearts
at Bear City
28 Delafield St
New Brunswick, NJ
$5; all ages; 7p
This is only the second show ever at Bear City. Always fun to be part of something new. The flier Steve from Lark Hill made for this show is totally rad. Even if you can't come to the show you should go to their My Space and check it out.
Saturday, 29 November
Glad Hearts, Lady Bright, Disarmor, and friends
New Brunswick, NJ
Venue TBA (house show)
$5 suggested donation; all ages; 6p
John Terry from Rapid Cities put this one together for us, and we're very grateful. Unfortunately, Rapid Cities won't be playing this one, but they do have a record coming out soon called Machinery Saints. I got to hear three tracks off it when John came down and played in Delaware, and I think you're going to like it.
And speaking of things I hope you'll like. I think this show will be a ton of fun. You can check out the folks we'll be sharing the basement with on MySpace.
Wednesday, 3 December
Ryan solo
The Burlap and Bean
with Tommy Murray
204 South Newtown Street Rd
Newtown Square, PA 19073
7p; free; all ages
Creep Records fans might remember Tommy from his time in The Crash. He's also an excellent songwriter in his own right, and it's always fun to share a stage with him. I've only recently started drinking coffee, but I've quickly seen what I've been missing all these years, and I'm trying to make up for lost time. I saw a sticker once that said "Art is war; coffee is blood." Come on out and have a cup or two with me.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Rest In Pieces: Hunchback
Sadly, they won't be doing it much longer. Hunchback is calling it quits after almost ten years. They'll be playing three more shows in November, and that will be it. Their last show will be especially sad, since it will also be The Ergs' last show. That will be a sorry night for the Garden State, and when the last shriek of feedback fades the Jersey Devil will no doubt wail for hours before he passes out drunk on a pile of pine needles.
If you don't know who these bands are, you should find out. We were lucky to have them while we did.
I'll remember Mike pushing his glasses back into place in the middle of a guitar solo. I'll remember Miranda killing it with no toms. I'll remember Jay and Mike doing the intro to "Respect for the Dead" together at double speed. I'll remember Craig screaming, hitting his head on something, bleeding all over his keyboard, then blasting out the harmonica on their version of "Heart of Gold."
That's just me, though. Like any live show, you had to be there. Find a way to make it to one of their last three shows. If you absolutely can't, they came as close as anybody to recording it on "Step into My Parlor," the closing track of Ugly on the Outside. In a moment sure to make any punk (past or present) smile, the distinction between the band and the crowd breaks down near-perfectly into a screaming chorus of "I like spiders."
Sometimes other people say it better. Sometimes other people say it better and I can't remember exactly what they said, but I still know they said it better. I read an article about Hunchback where the writer said something like, "Music and art are not supposed to be all easy, and you can tell Hunchback gets that. You can tell they suffered for their music." I know for a fact that they did, too. But when I'd go to see them live, whatever might have been worrying me would get pushed aside. I hope playing live was as liberating for them as seeing them play was cathartic for me.
On a personal level, if there was no Hunchback, there'd be no Glad Hearts, and I'd still be very confused about what to do with my life. While I was croaking into a handheld tape recorder in my dorm room and piling up tapes I was sure no one else would ever hear, they were out playing shows, writing great songs, and making great records. When I'd get discouraged, their example would help me along. When I played some of my first demos to Craig, recordings which were definitely not "fucking awesome," he said they were anyway, and that kept me going and excited about writing more songs.
On an even more personal level, I consider Craig, Mike, Jay, and Miranda my friends. Craig and Mike took me to see Dawn of the Dead for the first time. Miranda and Jay were at my first vegan barbecue. I'm lucky to have such friends, I was lucky to get to see them play together, and I'm lucky I'll have their music for the rest of my life. Thank you all very much.
Hunchback is dead; Long live Hunchback!
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
October and November shows
Here we come again! Brooklyn, Philly, and Wilmington, we're headed your way!
Friday, 24 October
The Millcreek Tavern
with Kettle Pot Black and more
4200 Chester Ave
Philadelphia, PA
9p; $8; 21+
This is our first time playing here. It looks rad, and they'll have $6 pitchers. $6 pitchers! At that price, you could just get one for yourself and drink straight from it like you're Jack in the giant's castle at the top of the beanstalk.
Saturday, 25 October
Wilmington Urban Bike Project
Benefit show and Open House
with Backwards Breathing and Deaf Not Dead
1908 N. Market St
Wilmington, DE
7p; $10 (all proceeds go to the project); all ages
This is a benefit show for a great organization in Wilmington. They work towards making bicycles available to people from all walks of life, and they just teamed up with the city of Wilmington to help get replacement bikes for kids who get their bikes stolen. There will be a raffle with prizes (including a Glad Hearts T shirt), bike demos, and an open house, Bike Project style.
Friday, 14 November
Ryan solo
The Little Big Show in the Small Wonder
7 Arts Studio
1139 West 7th Street (at the corner of North Harrison Street)
Wilmington, DE 19805
6p; free; all ages
This is a regular show I've been putting together at 7 Arts Studio. It's a small room, so get there early.
Saturday, 15 November
Goodbye Blue Monday
with Tape and Wire and more
1087 Broadway
Brooklyn, NY 11221
8p; free; 21+
This should be a blast. We're playing with a bunch of old friends, including Jimmy's old band, Tape and Wire. Plus, there's going to be a literal circus going on while we play! Like juggling and all that. For real.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Octopus Studios Show
Big thanks to Joe and the Delfields for hosting us, and thanks also to Half Brother and Fun Machine for playing with us.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
N+ is finally out for the DS. Not as slick as the XBox 360 version, but addicting nonetheless.
If you're the type to purchase games, you can find it for under $20 most places.
The Ergs are calling it quits. Too bad. Good guys and a truly amazing band. Final show dates on the myspace page, notables include The Fest 7 and the final show November 15th @ Asbury Lanes.
For you still lingering Sicko fans out there, Josh has put up some videos for you:
Escalator video
The rest of em
Friday, September 5, 2008
Two New Shows
Friday, 19 September
Octopus Studios
8 Seaman Street
New Brunswick, NJ
w/The Delfields, Fun Machine, and Half Brother
6:30 PM
All ages
Pay what you wish
Friday, 24 October
Millcreek Tavern,
4200 Chester Avenue,
University City, Philadelphia, PA
Hope to see you there.
Monday, August 25, 2008
Summer Tour 2008: We love you

John put up Kevin's photos in the post below this one, and you know what they say about a picture and 1,000 words. But, if you're interested, I also kept a short tour diary, so here's some of that with Kevin's photos mixed in:
My brother and traveling companion extrodinaire. Maker of kick-ass sandwiches, late night driver, and champion of Wu-Tang on the van stereo. Tour wouldn't have been half as fun without him.
Scourge of keyboards, destroyer of tambourines, kicker of drums. We filled a van with instruments, but I only played two of them for the entire tour. John played all the rest.

That night, we played at Junkyard Palace with Communipaw and Half Brother. The show was a great time, and I was totally flattered that people at the show knew some of the words and sung along to "Hub City."
Unfortunately, that was one of the last shows they'll be having there, since their landlord is getting foreclosed on. Thanks, Countrywide and Co. Also, real, non-sarcastic thanks to John, Cass, Mal, and everybody else at the Palace for all their work to help make New Brunswick what it is. Best of luck in your new homes.

Speaking of Trenton, before the show we had a few hours of daylight to walk the Philipsburg levees. It was cool. I also learned about a special restaurant in Trenton called the Mates Inn. It's sponsored by the NJ Department of Corrections to give incarcerated youth a chance to learn job skills by running their own restaurant. The directions to the place include the phrase, "Don't be deterred by the guardhouse, just tell them you're going to the Mates Inn, and they will wave you through." We didn't get a chance to go there this time, but next time for sure.

Jesus Camp was real cool. They'd had an art show a few days before, and a lot of the work was still hanging. It was amazing and you can see pictures of a lot of it in the online photo album in the post below this one. One in particular stands out in my mind, though. It was an 11x17 crayon drawing of a family standing in front of a house, but the sky was all huge clumps of red glitter. The tag next to it read, "I found this in the garbage on my street. This was obviously made in some kind of institution, because no one has this much red glitter in their home."
Before the show, Kevin and Kyle from Jesus camp went to the liquor store to stock up for the evening. As they were walking in, Kyle says to Kevin, "Look, this place can be kind of rough. If anybody asks you anything, no matter what, your answer is 'No!'"
At that point, there were only about 5 people at the house, including us. Kyle asked Kevin if he thought 40 beers would be enough, and Kevin said, "For the 5 people at the house, yeah, I think 40 will be enough." To which Kyle said, "Oh, you've never been to Providence before."
Sure enough, people started showing up, and the show was awesome. For the first part we sat outside in a circle on cinder blocks and milk crates, while Kyle and Derek played in their yard. For our set we moved inside and played in one of their bedrooms with everybody who could fit and everybody else in the kitchen. The show was a ton of fun, everybody was really close, and people listening started grabbed John's tambourine and hitting the drums to play along. For our last song, they shot fireworks out the window behind us while we were playing. It was rad.

We played at Goodbye Blue Monday, which was great. It was really nice mixed bill, and we played after Suzy Almond from the UK and a free jazz band.
I don't know, but I had heard getting a show in New York City can be sort of a pain, but everybody at GBM was great. Very supportive and helpful. Thanks a ton to Drew for the drinks, Matt for the sound, and everybody else at GBM for everything else.

After we played, a keyboardist got up and played, among other things, this hilarious song called, "She Made a Monkey Out of Me," the chorus of which was, "Ooh ooh ooh ooh ohh (or however you'd spell the noise monkeys make)."
We also shared the stage with a comedian, and I always like it when shows mix it up a bit like that. As Jim Munroe at No Media Kings said something like, "People need more than music in their indie diet."

David Krasner hosted us in his awesome basement and cooked delicious pasta for us. We got to hear a bunch of very talented singer songwriters from Fredrick. A very cool scene. Also, they all rolled their own cigarettes. I know it's bad to romanticize smoking, but I have to admit I find that just a little bad-ass.

Ryan was very gracious and let us play a full set on air. Also, a very talented folk band from Indiana called Wilson's Reservoir played on air that day, too. We got to chat with those guys a bit, and they are super cool.
Kevin had to leave us here to catch a plane to San Francisco. He was much missed, but John's girlfriend Sharon joined us here, as did my girlfriend, Alex, so the party continued apace.
At fist I was very bummed, but all ended well. Almost everybody who was going to play the show ended up playing live on my front porch for a few close friends. We got to enjoy the music of Mason Barto and Kyle Swartzwelder; no evictions necessary.
We will be out on the road again as soon as we can. I feel like I can't adequately describe how great tour was, nor can I adequately thank the people who made it so great. Still, one more try:
Huge thank yous to:
My bandmates, for rocking, Kevin for coming along with us, my Dad for loaning us his van, all our parents, families, and friends for supporting us, everybody who let us play in their place or sleep on their floor, everyone we played with, everyone who came to see us, all the people we met along the way, and you for reading this.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Summer '08 Tour Pics - (Everybody's Gotta Love Em!)
Monday, August 11, 2008
Back to finishing the album + Thanks for the help on tour
Thanks to everyone who helped us out on tour. Including:
-Jared and Geoff at WRSU [New Brunswick, NJ]
-All the people at Junkyard Palace (Cass, Mallory, John) [New Brunswick, NJ]
-Samara at the Mill Hill Saloon/Vibe Cafe [Trenton, NJ]
-All the people at Jesus Camp (Monstery, Milo Greene) [Providence, RI]
-All the people at Goodbye Blue Monday [Brooklyn, NY]
-Stoney's Pub [Wilmington, DE]
-David Krasner and the whole Frederick community [Frederick, MD]
-Ryan (Tarantella Ora) and everyone at 91.7 WKDU Philly [Philadelphia, PA]
-Mason Barto and Kyle Swartzwelder [Wilmington, DE]
Thanks also to all the other artists/bands we got to play with and everyone who gave us a listen. We had a blast. Hope to see you again next time around.
BTW, *MONSTER* thanks to Kevin Bing for joining us on tour and helping us out immensely. There's a chance things could've sucked without you, broadie.
Monday, July 14, 2008
Summer Tour!
Here we come! See you out there in the great wide world.
New Brunswick, NJ
Fri, 1 Aug
Overnight Sensations, 88.7 WRSU
Listen live online:
We kick off tour by playing live on Jared Migden’s Overnight Sensations! First we play, then spin records with Jared. Call in and say hey: 732-932-8800
New Brunswick, NJ
Sat, 2 Aug
Junkyard Palace,
331 Somerset St
all ages; Pay what you wish.
Sadly, one of the last shows at this excellent house. Come out and help us say thanks to John, Cass, Mal, and everyone else who made this place a home for DIY art.
Trenton, NJ
Sun, 3 Aug
The Mill Hill Saloon
300 S. Broad Street (on the corner of Market & Broad Streets)
21+; No cover; cheap drinks
Samarra, from the Vibe Cafe is helping us out with this one. Last time we played here, the bartenders had to spray people in the crowd with water, then the bartenders themselves started fighting behind the bar. We fully expect, at least, a repeat of this level of antics. Check their MySpace: "We all have demons, just drink the whiskey."
Providence, RI
Mon, 4 Aug
Jesus Camp
Call or email for address (house show)
Easily among the top ten best show house names. This one will be outside. Should be lovely.
Brooklyn, NY
Tues, 5 Aug
Goodbye Blue Monday
1087 Broadway
(718) 453-6343
Pay what you wish
Brooklyn is beautiful in summer. Come join us for a drink or two.
Wilmington, DE
Wed, 6 Aug
Stoney's Pub
Open mic night
3007 Concord Pike
Wilmington, DE 19803
Free; 21+
Frederick, MD
Thurs, 7 Aug
Krasner's Basement
9413 Bridgewater Court West
Frederick, MD 21701
All ages, pay what you wish
This will be my first time in Frederick, MD. Looking forward to it.
Philadelphia, PA
Fri, 8 Aug
Tarantella Ora with Ryan McShane
Live on 91.7 WKDU
Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA
Listen online:
Call and say hey: 215-895-5917
IM: RequestWKDU
Last time we played Philly was a blast. The bar we played in was also a polling place for the primary election. They pushed all the voting machines to one corner (after the polls closed) for us to play. Rock, democracy, and ridiculously cheap drinks. Hopefully those three things will continue for us in Philly this summer.
Also, the symbol of Drexel University is a fucking dragon. 'nuff said.
Newark, DE
Sat, 9 Aug
125 House
125 West Main Street, Newark, DE;
all ages
pay what you wish
A house show in the Small Wonder. With: Mason Barto, Kyle Swartzwelder, and Patrick Hannon. I put this one together, so I'm extra excited about it. This place is right downtown and an easy walk/bike from most of Newark. It'll start on time, and trust me, you won't want to miss anybody.
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Last Weekend
A few friends dropped by during the sessions and were nice enough to play, sing, and shout on the record, so you can look forward to hearing from Craig Hunchback and Marcellus Hall when all is done and mixed. Thanks, guys.
In the coming week, me and a microphone will be traveling all over the tri-state area collecting contributions from some other very special guests. More on that later, though.
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Almost there...
We'll be going into the studio one more time this weekend (Yes, Fourth of July), and by the end of the weekend we should have all the tracking done!
I'd like to thank all of you who've helped and encouraged us through the writing and recording of this record. It has meant a lot to me, and I am very excited to share the record with you all when it's done.
OK. Back to work for me!
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Recording Pics from Melody Lanes 06-14-08
BTW, if you would like to hire Jimmy as a male model please contact us via email @ Jimmy's under strict contract with Glad Hearts, which besides being a band also doubles as his modeling agency. Warning: His rates aren't cheap.
Monday, June 2, 2008
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Recording Day - 2
Friday, May 23, 2008
June = National Glad Hearts Recording Month
We're gonna try our damnest to keep this blog updated with pics and videos of the recording process. So check back with us periodically in June to see pics of what Jimmy looks like naked behind a drum kit OR video of Ryan going all crazy diva-style ala Mariah Carey and walking out on the session because we got him the wrong bottled water. It'll be a laugh riot.
Sunday, May 18, 2008
A Mad and Faithful Telling
Even better than the show, though, my two old and dear friends, Joe and Ann, made the trip down from Brooklyn to hang out and go to the show with Alex and I. Best weekend ever!
Speaking of Brooklyn, I'm also very excited because our first show for summer tour just got confirmed in Brooklyn. More details soon...
Thursday, May 15, 2008
My (imaginary) Letter to Sen. Hillary Clinton by John Valencia
Hi Hill,
Congrats on making it this far into the Democratic Primary. This primary has shown that America has made some serious progress as a nation considering that the 2 candidates left on the Democratic bill are an African American male and a white female. I honestly didn't think something like this would happen until about 2050 but I'm really happy it did.
Now, though, if you really care about our country at all you'll pull out of the race and back Barack Obama. Please put your ego aside - along with your posturing for another possible run in 4 or 8 years - do the right thing. Please stop wasting your own money and the money of those donating to your campaigning and let it go. These reports of some of the Democratic voters being split between McCain and either one of the Democratic candidates have got me - and a whole lot of other people - worried that we're gonna have to endure another 4 years sliding down the same awful slope Bush put us on.
Hillary, please do our country right and stop dividing the votes we might need to be rid of the same terrible policies we've been dealing with for the past 8 years - the policies that have led us into a bogus never-ending war, a recession, a gross mishandling of a natural disaster like hurricane Katrina, etc., etc. Please drop out of the race now and back Sen. Obama so that we might try to secure a victory against another 4 years of "Bush" and start changing this country around.
A concerned American,
John Valencia
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
The Hub City
But first, a little background. I've had to move around a lot in my life, and a while back I had to leave New Brunswick to live in Delaware for a bit. I get back to the Brunze pretty regularly to play shows, visit my brother, or other stuff (we used to practice in Joe's basement on Delavan Street every Sunday).
But there was a time there I was worried I was loosing my connection with the place. Being on that Review comp really made me feel a lot better about that not happening. Thanks very much to Dave Rothstad and the Review editors.
If you're reading this, chances are I don't have to tell you why I have this love for New Brunswick. You've probably stood next to me in a basement as we had our heads handed to us by a band we'd never heard of before that night. We've probably split a cigarette on the porch of a house five of our friends have lived in at different times, watched the sun go down, and talked about the potential on, and under, every street here. I could go on, but I think you already know what I mean...
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Fresh Tracks
As always, I'm totally impressed by John and his crazy technical studio knowledge. He looked a little like Captain Kirk behind the mixing board, and if we form like Voltron in the studio, then he just happens to be the head. Jimmy knows his way around a condenser mic, too, and I always enjoy hearing them talk shop.
We didn't get out until 7 in the morning; I can't wait to go back.
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Early Start: Recording Starts This Friday
Out of Print
I gave away the last copy of "A Year in a Circle" last weekend, which I guess means that record is finally done. I first thought the record was pretty much done when John finished mastering it, but I very quickly learned there is a big difference between the songs being done and the record being done.
There was all sorts of stuff I hadn't really thought too much about, from reproducing the cover art to putting together the jewel cases. But most importantly, I realized a record isn't done until it gets to people who want to hear it. Looking back on it, I'm glad we did those things ourselves. I'm very proud of what we ended up with, and I think we learned a lot from doing it.
At the time, it was a little frustrating to have to hand-assemble every jewel case and spend hours trying to line up the album art on the 10 cent photocopy machine at the office store, when we would have much rather been writing new songs and practicing. But, being able to hand people a finished CD and honestly say "this is the best we can do" was totally worth it.
If you didn't get one of those CDs and wanted to, thank you, and I apologize. You can still get the songs for free at the web site. I hope you enjoy them.
Sunday, May 4, 2008
DIY analog delay
Spotted via the Make Magazine blog
Overnight Sensations
A way while ago, Jared and I used to have back to back Wednesday morning radio shows (prime listening hours for a college station...). I loved doing the show, and it was a real kick to be back in the same studios with Jared again the other night.
I love college radio, and I once heard this hilarious WPRB promo done by The Dismemberment Plan. It went something like this:
"Hey, this is Steve and Mike from The Dismemberment Plan. You're listening to WPRB out of Princeton, and we have a message for all those people who say college radio is a waste of money because no one listens. Screw you. Screw you, OK. We can't wait to listen to WPRB every time we drive up 95, and we weep gently when the signal goes out of range, so screw you."
Friday, May 2, 2008
A Ode to Steak 'Em (A Poem)
You can Steak 'Em in the South
But the best part of all
Is when you Steak 'Em in your mouth
(a single tear falls from my eye)
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Happy May Day!
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
I know most bands will skip the small wonder in favor of Philly, but the diamond state would love to have you, and if you know where to look, you can have yourself a good time for cheap.
If you're interested, drop me a line at:
Booking (You)
From playing in a band, I know how much I appreciate getting a show, and it's great to be able to turn around and give that chance to another band. Plus, I get to play with some great people and hear a lot of great music.
If you're interested, please drop me line at: