..but it sometimes does happen and totaly reminds me why it rules to be alive. I went go see Blank Dogs at the M Room. They rocked, and while I was hanging out with my buddy, Craig, after the show, this happened:
Dude with plastic Halloween Jack'O'Lantern: Yo, you guys want to get into the raffle? The afterparty for the Tattoo Convention is coming here. You can win free tattoos, the money all goes to pay for my friend's medical bills, plus there's going to be a show. I'm not saying exactly what's going to happen, but I'm going to get hurt real bad later on.
Us: Definitely.
After about 15 minutes, it wasn't totally clear if any of the above was true. So I said to Craig...
Me: Either we just got taken by the most creative line of bullshit ever thought of to scam two people out of $7 or we should stick around and see what develops.
Craig had to go, but he gave me his share of the raffle tickets. I stuck around, and it turned out all was well, and the party most definitely was happening. I texted Craig:
Me: If I win with your tickets, I get to pick what you get tattooed with. Which is your favorite Ninja Turtle?
Craig: I want Krang, on the belly, so I can be like the giant robot.
Sadly, I didn't win the tattoos, but the party was everything you'd imagine it to be. I'm not sure who won the human flesh tug of war, but it was definitely not the guy who had to clean up the blood. Every time I think I've pretty much seen all there is to see, I am joyfully proven wrong.